Finding the “right airplane” involves many considerations…speed, load, economy, price and most of all comfort and fit.
Here at LifeStyle Aviation we like to start with the all important fit and comfort as one of the first things we focus on. The truth is not all airplanes fit all pilots. Sometimes its elbow room, head room, leg room or all of the above. We feel more like tailors fitting suits of clothing to find that perfect fit sometimes.
A recent prospect interested in the DA62 was worried that he would not fit since he is 6 foot 7 Inches tall and has been unable to fit in a number of different aircraft. After the demo flight he was thrilled with the fit and said,
“They should sell the DA62 at the Big and Tall Man’s Shop! It fit great!”
The DA62 is best described as “Luxuriously Large”. Plenty of head room, tons of elbow room and first class leg room even for the longest legs. At Oshkosh 2017 we put a steady stream of pilots of all sizes in the DA62 cabin and all of them fit and everyone was impressed with the comfort.
So if you normally shop at the Bill and Tall Man’s Store come check out the Diamond DA62 and let LifeStyle Aviation give you a personal fitting.
Photos are of our 6 foot 7 inch tall pilot.

Lifestyle Aviation ( is in the business of helping people acquire modern aircraft to achieve and enjoy an “Aviation LifeStyle”. LifeStyle Aviation created the LifeStyle Aviation Network that includes flight centers, aircraft brokers, affiliates and international partners to create a productive, pooled source for buying and selling modern aircraft, learning to fly, accessing shared ownership programs and transitioning from entry level aircraft to advanced high performance planes. The LifeStyle Aviation Network offers a wide range of quality, modern aircraft from Diamond, Piper, Mooney, Cessna, Cirrus and more. (see:
For nearly a decade LifeStyle Aviation has been a Diamond Regional Distribution Center (DRDC) offering new DA20 trainers, popular DA40 gas and Jet Fuel burning aircraft plus the Jet Fuel burning DA42 and the new seven place DA62 twin. LifeStyle Aviation coordinates the ongoing development of the LifeStyle Aviation Network and its Partner Flight Centers. LifeStyle Aviation is also the creator of the unique DiamondShare program ( that provides attractive shared access to modern aircraft allowing people to justify the plane of their dreams and “Make the Dollars Make Sense”.