Diamond DA40 NG: The Modern Personal Aircraft
We are sharing this excellent video about the Diamond DA40 NG with you created by our sales team. LifeStyle Aviation is proud to have been the leading organization to bring the Jet Fuel Burning DA40 NG aircraft to the US market. The DA40 has been one of the most popular GA aircraft over the last 20 years. What most people don’t know is Diamond has been flying and selling as their primary model the DA40 with a Jet-A engine since 2002 outside the US.
The DA40 NG was FAA certified in 2009 but due to the market conditions in the economy at the time, the exchange rate with Europe, and since it was only built in Austria, we as distributors were unable to offer the plane cost effectively at that time.

Diamond moved the type certificate for the DA40 NG to Canada and started production in 2017. Based on that change LifeStyle Aviation committed to volume purchases of these aircraft because we knew how fantastic they are and started promoting nationwide for individual purchase and for our DiamondShare Program.
The DA40 NG has been a strong success in the US market. Fleet operators such as Lift Academy (Republic Airlines), Blue Line Aviation, Take Flight Aviation and others have DA40 NG fleets flying enjoying major savings in fuel and maintenance costs. Everyone that flies it loves it and our long and growing list of owners can’t imagine going back to old style manual leaded-gas aircraft engines. The ease of operation along with the smooth and quiet efficiency and power make it the winner for the user, the environment and the wallet. Also, the DA40 NG is the ideal first aircraft for all those wanting to get started in an Aviation LifeStyle as well as being the perfect trainer for moving up to the DA42 or DA62.
We encourage everyone to watch the video above along with our special DA40 NG Intro Video . Then subscribe to our YouTube channel to see all our detailed videos on these special aircraft.
LifeStyle Aviation is leading the way to help educate aviators about the airframe, engine and avionics advancements embodied in the Diamond line and routinely helps potential buyers to try these planes and talk with existing owners.
For those actively researching aircraft they are invited to reach out to LifeStyle Aviation for detailed operating cost, performance information and more. LifeStyle Aviation offers Free Demo Flights in all Diamond Aircraft so everyone can experience the unique capabilities of these Jet Fuel Burning pistons.
About LifeStyle Aviation
LifeStyle Aviation specializes in the marketing and sale of modern personal aircraft with Diamond Aircraft being one of the company’s most popular brands.
LifeStyle is the leading seller of new and used Diamonds in North America and also delivers aircraft worldwide. The company has invested in being the leading provider of diesel single and twin-engine jet-A piston aircraft, including the DA40 NG, DA42, and the all-new DA62. LifeStyle Aviation also created the unique DiamondShare program (DiamondShare.com) that provides attractive shared access to modern aircraft allowing people to justify the plane of their dreams and “Make the Dollars Make Sense.”
LifeStyle Aviation created the LifeStyle Aviation Network that includes flight centers, affiliates and international partners to create a productive, pooled source for buying and selling modern aircraft, facilitating flight center development, accessing shared ownership programs and transitioning from entry-level aircraft to advanced high-performance planes. The LifeStyle Aviation Network offers a wide range of quality, modern aircraft from Diamond, Piper, Mooney, Cessna, Cirrus, and more.
For more information about LifeStyle Aviation, visit www.lifestyleaviation.com
For more information about the DiamondShare program, visit www.DiamondShare.com