National Park Tour in Diamond DA42!

What do you do when you want to go on a couples trip, have a WEEK to see the western United States and don't want to spend all your time in the car?

When you're a pilot, you choose to fly an airplane! Join John Armstrong and Mary-Margaret on their trip from Raleigh, NC to Utah in the Diamond DA42 NG!


The DA42 is easy to fly and burns fuel like a single, but with the added safety of a second engine. The impressive cross-country performance will please you! No wonder it’s the bestselling piston twin, by far.

The DA42 comes with luxury features abound throughout - including premium leather interiors. Choose from a variety of exterior colors or design your very own DA42. Enjoy a luxury cabin, first-class premium interiors and more.

Garmin’s Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT™) recreates a visual topographic landscape from the G1000 system’s terrain-alerting database. The resulting virtual reality display offers pilots a supplemental 3-D depiction of ground and water features, airports, obstacles and traffic — all shown in relative proximity to the aircraft. This makes situational orientation far easier and less stressful.

A proven TKS ice protection system helps the DA42-VI to withstand flight into known icing conditions. Wings, tail, propellers and windshield are protected with TKS fluid.

Diamond’s industry-leading safety record is the result of our commitment to protecting you and your passengers with a long list of active and passive safety features. Active safety features help to avoid accidents in the first place, the first and most important line of defense. Passive safety features are designed to minimize the probability and degree of injury, in case the unexpected happens.

We Flew 3 DIAMOND TWINS in Formation!