LifeStyle Aviation Fly-In Restaurant Receives Recognition Best Fly-In Restaurants – Pik N Pig Receives Recognition Our friend and owner of Gilliam-McConnell Airport (5NC3), Roland Gilliam, let us know that the now famous Pik N Pig BBQ Restaurant located on t... Destinations Flying Flying Lifestyle Lifestyle Aviation Pik N Pig May 7, 2014
LifeStyle Aviation You are invited to Fly In for BBQ Flying Destination : The Pik-N-Pig Restaurant , Carthage, NC Airport: Gilliam-McConnell Airfield – 5NC3 coordinates: N35-20-366 W079-26-204 SDZ (VOR) 111.8 10.6 miles 049 Radial Activities : Enjoy a B... Carthage Destinations Flying Pik N Pig pilots Aug 10, 2008