Video: Diamond DA40 NG

LifeStyle Aviation Now Delivering Diamond DA40 New Generation

The DA40 NG is the smart choice. Durable composite airframe. Ultra-low fuel burn. Superb handling. The DA40 NG is a great airplane for travel, leaseback, and training alike.

Click here to learn more about the DA40 NG

Click here to see the DA40 NG Highlights

Just a few of the key points include:

  • Super smooth FADEC Controlled Austro Engines with expanded TBO’s
  • NEW Higher Weight Increase
  • Burns Jet Fuel so its “future proof”
  • Turbo Charged so you can go higher
  • Enhanced Speed, Range, and Altitude
  • Expanded TBO with low cost of overhaul and scheduled maintenance
  • Enjoy changing oil every 100 hours instead of 50 or less.
  • No Spark Plugs, Magnetos, Hot Start Procedures, Mixtures Setting, Prop Settings!

Take a look and you’ll want to plan for your next plane to be a Jet-A burning modern magic carpet.


Interested in the DA40 NG?  Please call 406-FLY-1NOW or 406-359-1669

Diamond Aircraft Maintenance Training