Video: NXi Panel DA62 landing in Greenland

LifeStyle Brings First Garmin NXi panel DA62 to the US

Hope you enjoy this video of the NXi Panel DA62 landing in Greenland.  LifeStyle Aviation is proud to be bringing the first DA62 NXi unit to North America. Delivery will be to a client in North Carolina in April. The new Garmin NXi G1000 panel represents a significant upgrade to the G1000 panel we’ve enjoyed for many years now. All Diamond aircraft will be produced with the NXi panel going forward.  You can read all about the NXi panel here.

LifeStyle was the first to bring the DA42-VI model to North America and our ongoing specialization in these Jet-A piston aircraft is helping more and more pilots discover their reliability, performance, and economy.

This video is of the first NXi Panel DA62 landing in Greenland on its way over. Later in 2017, these planes will be produced in Canada for delivery to the US market.


LifeStyle Brings First Garmin NXi panel DA62 to the US

LifeStyle Aviation

LifeStyle Aviation logoLifeStyle Aviation specializes in the marketing and sale of modern personal aircraft with Diamond Aircraft being one of the company’s popular brands. LifeStyle is a leading seller of new and used Diamonds in North America and also delivers aircraft worldwide. LifeStyle has invested in being the leading provider of diesel single and twin engine Jet-A piston aircraft including the DA40 NGDA42, and the all new DA62.

LifeStyle Aviation created the LifeStyle Aviation Network that includes flight centers, aircraft brokers, affiliates and international partners to create a productive, pooled source for buying and selling modern aircraft, learning to fly, accessing shared ownership programs and transitioning from entry-level aircraft to advanced high-performance planes. The LifeStyle Aviation Network offers a wide range of quality, modern aircraft from Diamond, Piper, Mooney, Cessna, Cirrus and more. (see:

For nearly a decade LifeStyle Aviation has been a Diamond Regional Distribution Center (DRDC) offering new DA20 trainers, popular DA40 gas and Jet Fuel burning aircraft plus the Jet Fuel burning DA42 and the new seven place DA62 twin. LifeStyle Aviation coordinates the ongoing development of the LifeStyle Aviation Network and its Partner Flight Centers. LifeStyle Aviation is also the creator of the unique DiamondShare program ( that provides attractive shared access to modern aircraft allowing people to justify the plane of their dreams and “Make the Dollars Make Sense”.

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