LifeStyle Aviation has a Diamond DA62 and DA42-VI available for December Delivery.
Act Now & Save Over $353,000 on a Diamond DA62! The potential impact for tax savings is tremendous if you have the need for business deductions. If you want a business aircraft and you are expecting to pay taxes on substantial income we can help. We can deliver a New Diamond DA62 or DA42 in December so you can enjoy Bonus Depreciation and massive tax savings. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Call LifeStyle Aviation today and we will deliver to your door an amazing modern aircraft and unbelievable tax savings! TRADES WELCOME!

Lifestyle Aviation ( is in the business of helping people acquire modern aircraft to achieve and enjoy an “Aviation LifeStyle”. LifeStyle Aviation created the LifeStyle Aviation Network that includes flight centers, aircraft brokers, affiliates and international partners to create a productive, pooled source for buying and selling modern aircraft, learning to fly, accessing shared ownership programs and transitioning from entry level aircraft to advanced high performance planes. The LifeStyle Aviation Network offers a wide range of quality, modern aircraft from Diamond, Piper, Mooney, Cessna, Cirrus and more on
LifeStyle Aviation also for the last 9 years has been a Diamond Regional Distribution Center (DRDC) offering new DA20 trainers, popular DA40 gas and Jet Fuel burning aircraft plus the Jet Fuel burning DA42 and the new seven place DA62 twin. LifeStyle Aviation coordinates the ongoing development of the LifeStyle Aviation Network and its Partner Flight Centers. LifeStyle Aviation is also the creator of the unique DiamondShare program ( that provides attractive shared access to modern aircraft.