DA42-VI Featured at Sun N Fun Event

Diamond DA42 Flying

The new diesel twin-engine DA42-VI will headline the Diamond Aircraft display at Sun ‘n Fun April 21-26 in Lakeland, Florida.

According to Jeff Owen, V.P. Piston Sales for Premier Aircraft Sales, Inc. (Diamond’s southeastern distributor and show host), the highlight of this year’s booth is the Diamond DA42-VI, a category-dominating performer in such metrics as useful load, cruise speed, takeoff roll and fuel burn.

“Since its introduction, everyone has been asking when the “Dash-6” would be available to see. The answer is during Sun ‘n Fun,” Owen said. “Since its introduction, the DA42 has been a truly unique and ground-breaking airplane. The next-generation Dash-6 introduces a host of performance improvements that have turned a great light twin into a truly exceptional light twin.”

Upgrades to the DA42-VI include:

• New-generation Austro AE300 turbo diesel engines
• Aerodynamically-improved cowling/nacelle design
• Aerodynamic wing fairings
• Flush-headed screws
• New MT composite three-blade propellers
• New rudder design for reduced VMC
• Upgraded interior finish

• AND a NEW 220 LBS increased useful load!

Watch the DA42-VI Ultimate Video

The Diamond display will also feature the new-generation Diamond DA40 XLT. The highlight of this aircraft is an upgraded interior configuration that further enhances the cabin interior styling and comfort of the popular four-place single.

The XLT interior offers beautiful details like premium seats with integrated Diamond embossed padded headrests, and improved lumbar contour in both the front and rear seats. Another improvement is that all of the seats are now covered with ICT (Infrared Controlled Technology) 100% genuine leather which reflects IR rays in direct sunlight and maintains 20-degrees Celsius lower surface temperature than traditional leathers.

DiamondShare.com – the unique aircraft access program that “Makes the Dollars Make Sense” will be highlighted during the show. DiamondShare has changed the economics of access to Modern aircraft and LifeStyle Aviation is launching the availability of DA42 in the program at the show. Read about DiamondShare expansion and recent magazine features.

Rounding out the Diamond booth is the 2-place Diamond DA20-C1 Eclipse trainer. This versatile aircraft is fun to fly, super economical and is the backbone of modern Diamond Flight Training Centers.

Speaking of Flight Centers… LifeStyle staff will be on hand at Sun N Fun to meet with Flight Center principals to share with them about the success our LifeStyle Aviation Partners are having using modern aircraft for a competitive advantage.

“The LifeStyle Aviation Network Flight Center Development Program helps flight centers create and execute a market expansion plan that focuses on growing their business for success.” states John Armstrong, Founder and CEO of LifeStyle Aviation. “We are actively recruiting flight schools and look forward to showing them the success we’ve helped to create.”

Premier Aircraft Sales is a LifeStyle Aviation Network Partner and LifeStyle staff will be manning the stand with Premier. LifeStyle representatives will be flying the DA42-VI in for the show on Monday and it will be there to the end of the event.

For more information on programs and aircraft mentioned in this announcement contact us at lifestyleaviation.com/contact.

View Related Articles and Videos about the DA42-VI

Currently available aircraft can be seen at: LifeStyleAircraft.com

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