Video: Diamond DA62


Review all the DA62 News, see the specs and enjoy another video. See this test flight video.

LifeStyle Aviation is offering a limited number of pre-order opportunities for the Diamond DA62. Parties interested in placing an order this year for delivery in February should contact us today. Email [email protected] to request a consultation.

We encourage you to also join our FaceBook page or Twitter and share news of these announcements with your community.

Stay tuned for more reports on the DA62DA40 Tundra and the DA42-VI..

For more information about the Diamond DA62 contact LifeStyle Aviation at 406-FLY-1NOW. 

About LifeStyle:

LifeStyle Aviation logoLifestyle Aviation ( is a US based aviation marketing organization that is in the business of helping people achieve and enjoy an “Aviation LifeStyle” through modern personal aircraft. The organization is comprised of several components:

LifeStyle Aviation offers a wide range of quality, modern aircraft from Diamond, Piper, Mooney, Cessna, Cirrus and more via its listing site In addition, LifeStyle Aviation is a leading Diamond Regional Distribution Center (DRDC) offering a full range of new and used Diamond Aircraft including entry level DA20 and DA40’s and high performance Jet-fuel burning DA42-VI’s and the all new DA62 7 place 200kt aircraft.

The LifeStyle Aviation Network includes flight centers, aircraft brokers, industry affiliates and international partners to create a productive, pooled source for buying and selling modern aircraft, learning to fly, accessing shared ownership programs and transitioning from entry level aircraft into advance high performance planes. – LifeStyle Aviation is also the creator of the unique DiamondShare program ( that provides attractive shared “member access” to modern aircraft while completely changing aircraft ownership economics.

Video: Diamond DA40NG Tundra