Join LifeStyle Aviation at SUN n FUN International Fly-in & Expo
April 21-26 at Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, FL

You want to continue flying where single engine pilots have no more option? Then the DA42-VI is your first choice! See the DA42 at SUN n FUN!
Come out to SUN n FUN 2015, April 21-26 at Lakeland Linder Regional Airport in Lakeland, FL! Meet part of the LifeStyle Aviation team and one of our partners. It’s a wonderful event with entertainment, airshows, and education.
We will showing our DA42-VI and our DA40 XLT. Built out of light-weight, strong glass and carbon fiber and powered by two Austro Engine top-of-the-line 168 hp AE300 turbo diesel engines, the DA42, will exceed your expectations. Improvements with the latest model give the DA42 220 lbs of more useful load. Read more about the advantages and versatility of the DA42.
The DA40 XLT is acclaimed to be the safest aircraft in its class. Its versatility, efficiency, economy, speed and superb handling qualities make it a smart choice for pilots of all skill levels. Learn more about the DA40 XLT.

You’ll be impressed by its excellent flight characteristics, remarkable fuel-efficiency and the stunning panoramic visibility out of the canopy. See the DA40 XLT at SUN n FUN!
We will also be discussing our innovative DiamondShare program. The program has been featured in numerous articles for helping pilots fly and own modern aircrafts for a fraction of the cost. Learn more about this revolutionary program.
LifeStyle Aviation has just launched it’s Spring Sale Event! Enjoy the spring flying season. It’s a good time to talk with LifeStyle Aviation about how we can help you achieve the aviation lifestyle.
Click here for more information about SUN n FUN including a schedule of events and fly-in information and lodging. Camping is available on site or numerous hotels are offering SUN n FUN discounted rates. Hope to see you there!
Click here for fly-in procedures

KLAL Lakeland Linder Regional Airport FL